Reading Time: 4 minutes
Written by: Matt Lillywhite
Approximately 8-10 billion videos are watched on social media platforms every single day. And in addition, each platform has a few billion active monthly users. Ultimately, social media has a lot of attention. But how can you get a decent amount of views per month on your social media posts per month as a producer? And how can you apply these tactics to your own channels in order to propel your career into the top tiers of the music industry? That’s what this article is going to discuss.
The first tip in order to increase the number of views you get on each social media post is using square video instead of landscape. This is because they take up a lot more “screen real estate” within the newsfeed than landscape videos or even links. According to data from Facebook, it is approximately 78% more real estate on the mobile feed than on a desktop. And with a constantly increasing number of people using only their cellphone to communicate, it’s a no-brainer that using square videos in your social media posts on Facebook & Instagram will provide a lot more engagement in comparison to a video taking up significantly less real estate.
Another important method to increase the number of views you get is to capture peoples attention within the first few seconds of a video. As the platform tends to autoplay videos when in the newsfeed, having an engaging intro to your video will undoubtedly give your content a higher watch time – and will thus reach a lot more people. How visually appealing are your thumbnails? Are the first few seconds interesting even without sound? Does it go immediately into the exciting part of the content? Most proficient marketers within the electronic music industry are aware of the fact that if a video has a slow fade-in to black or a similar transition, it will lose the attention of the vast majority of people that watch.
Therefore, having an exciting intro is extremely important if you wish to increase the watch time. As an example, you could include high-paced edits of your shows within the intro of each video, or even have a background which is extremely beautiful such as a beach or mountainside resort.
Adding captions to your social media content is one of the most important things that you can do in order to peak audience engagement. As the vast majority of videos are watched without sound, it’s great having captions so that the fans can understand what’s being said within the content. If you don’t have captions, the harsh reality is that they will not bother paying attention to your content. After all, it’s effectively just another post in the newsfeed in their perspective. If you upload a video using Google Chrome, Facebook will be able to automatically generate the captions for you which can save a lot of time.
It’s worth noting that most pages have audiences that speak more than one language. In order to see where your audience is located, and the language they speak, you can go to your page insights and find out the data. Once you know this information, it becomes much easier to create captions that will captivate your target audience as it will be in their native language.
Finally, having an effective caption that resonates with the audience is something that’s often overlooked by the majority of producers for some reason. With the ability to write over 63,000 characters in a single caption, the opportunities as to what you can write are almost endless. As a general rule of thumb, short captions are great if you want to drive traffic to an external site such as Spotify or YouTube. But in contrast, long captions are good if you want high engagement rates as it will resonate with your audience a lot more (if it’s good).
“Check out my new song on Spotify and share it with your friends” isn’t a great caption for your social media posts as it provides no incentive for your audience to actually stream it. Essentially, that caption is just self-centred propaganda that is trying to get the audience to perform an action with minimal effort. Here’s a much better caption that will drive significant engagement:
“My new song talks about the struggle in which I faced. It talks about how I overcame adversity to become a full-time music producer in the face of all odds. If you identify with the lyrics, or you have ever been through a difficult time, I’d love to hear about it in the comment section or DMs. You guys mean the world to me (insert streaming link)”
By storytelling something that will identify with your audience, it provides them with an opportunity to listen to the song, whilst simultaneously engaging with your post on social media. Of course, this is just one example that can be easily transferred to a variety of scenarios.
Creating great content is not easy. Nothing worth doing is easy. However, if you truly want to engage with your audience and provide them with meaningful content surrounding your artistic brand, it will make it much easier for them to engage if you are being authentic with your experiences. These strategies are just a few of dozens (possibly hundreds) out there that will significantly boost the number of views you get with each post. By understanding and applying them to your social content, you will be able to see improvements to your engagement very quickly.
